Saturday, November 12, 2011

Free Online Dating Tips

With the advancement of Internet technology, the world is becoming one smaller place, as we can connect with people from various countries with just a single click. This also opens a new possibility in love life, as we can make a relationship with someone new, whether the individual lives around us or thousand miles abroad. So, if you can't meet enough people in real life, you'd probably consider a possibility to find love on cyberspace, by join online dating site.

Online dating is a dating system which allows individuals, couples and groups to make contact and communicate with each other over the Internet, usually with the objective of developing a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship. There are both paid and free dating sites on the Internet, but since love is supposed to be free, why bother with the paid one, right?

These are some useful tips if you want to find a good free dating site, and how to make more friends from such sites:
  • Make sure that it's really free. Many dating sites only provide free registration, but when you find someone really interesting and want to see the individual's photos or contact the person, the sites will charge you for full membership plan! is one of the examples of free dating site that offers 100% free dating services without any hidden charges. Try it!
  • Decide your geographical target. There are basically two types of dating site regarding to geo targeting. They are the ones that have a regional or country based members, or universal sites with worldwide members. So, it's up to you whether you want to limit your option to one area only, or open up a possibility of finding perfect mate from a place that you never even heard before.
  • Beware of scam. This is probably the biggest downside of free online dating. As member can register without paying, there's a big possibility that some people upload fake profiles and photos, whether just for fun or want to make money by deceiving someone else. You need to be careful with a dating services that only contain so much attractive men and women. It's impossible for a dating site to have more handsome and beautiful members than a modelling agencies, right?
  • Write an honest profile. If you don't want to be scammed, than you can't fool someone else either. Be truthful with your profile, and upload photos that really yours (a little Photoshop won't hurt though...).
  • Be active. Just because you write a poetic introduction and upload your best photogenic side, don't mean that people will start to contact you and want to be your friend. Email other members, join chat rooms, send virtual kiss, write a blog's entry are some tools provided by that you can use to show yourself to the other members.
  • Be patient. Sometimes they aren't as pretty as the photos, sometimes they have a bad personality, sometimes they look perfect, but you just don't "click" with them. As in real life, finding friends and love in cyberspace also need patience.

That's all for free online dating tips. You can try to register at for a good and trustworthy online dating service with tens of thousands of members which easily connect the world. For example, if you live in Texas, finding a date from Asian or European countries would be as simple as dating in Houston! Register now, and don't worry, they're absolutely and 100% free!
